Since receiving flowers is extremely common at funeral services, you may be wondering about some alternatives you can request of guests. Read on to learn more! If you are planning a funeral or cremation service for your loved one, then chances are youve got your work cut out for you. From having to find a funeral home to organizing your loved ones final affairs, funeral planning and everything that comes with it can be very overwhelming. If you have an upcoming service and would like to think of something other than flowers for guests to bring along, then youve come to the right place. We are going to break down some of our favorite suggestions to bring! If youre looking for funeral homes in Suffolk, VA then we hope you will consider us! Stop by for a visit or give us a call with any questions or concerns you may have! Set Up a Scholarship A unique way in which you can honor the life and legacy of your loved one is by creating a scholarship in their honor. So, instead of asking for flowers at your loved ones funeral it could be a good idea to simply ask for assistance in setting up the scholarship. There are a lot of unique ways to get creative with this option so be sure to check out all of the options available to you. It could be a good idea to have the scholarship set up at the old school of the deceased to make it that more meaningful. Creating a scholarship in honor of your loved one not only ensures that their name and memory will live on forever, but it is also an awesome way to spread joy and kindness in a time that is so difficult for so many people in your life, including yourself. In this way, this option can be a healing experience. Cremation Expenses If you find that planning the final wishes for your loved one was more costly than you imagined, you are not alone. Plenty of people are completely blindsided by all of the costs that accompany disposition methods and services. If you and your family find that you are struggling to come up with money for the services needed, then it could be a good idea to ask for expenses toward your loved ones cremations services instead of funeral flowers. While this may seem strange to some people, it really isnt! We recommend sending a letter to those who will be in attendance or making a social media post to update everyone about your decision. Donations Donations are an extremely popular way that people are choosing to express their condolences these days. So, instead of asking for flowers the day of the funeral service, consider asking for donations to either pay for your loved ones expenses, create a scholarship, donate to a charity, or anything else that is meaningful to you! The amount that people donate can be as much as they want. Its important to stay mindful of the fact that everyone has their own financial limits, so there definitely should not be a maximum amount needed to be donated. Learn more about our funeral homes in Suffolk, VA!